What's beyond?

September 25, 2015
What's beyond?

How long has humans chased the supernatural?

For years on end we as human have searched for answers within the 5th dimension; this originates from 1000s of years ago. Most religions recognise beyond natural occurrences and after life theories. In my time I have focused on studying what different civilisations have found. The Sumerian civilisation is the first recorded to have believed in the supernatural; this dates back roughly 6000 years ago.

What do we think is beyond?

The main books of religion talk of life after death; this is promised by god. This is depicted as heaven and hell.

The Egyptians mastered time, physics and architecture, but what was their thoughts on the supernatural? The ancient Egyptians had many superstitions, this included magic, spirits, gods and goddesses. Most magic was done using spells; the book of the dead contained over 200 spells which were primarily to ensure safe passage into the afterlife realm. Evil spirits could be cast away by the majestic animal protector, the cat.

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